Why it is important ?

                                                  Let us see why nuclear power is necessary ,  
The nuclear power contributes about 10 percentage of total electricity produced worldwide . The most important thing is that these energy are carbon free  and renewable . Even to build a reactor is a little costly , but it can work for long period with much extra cost .

How it works ?

                                   The nuclear fission involved here that is the nucleus of heavy element is split into two or more fragments with release of energy . usually uranium 235 is split by a neutron into bariyum 141 and Krypton 92 with 3 neutron . Again these neutron is used to split uranium 235 . This is chain reaction. The controlled chain reaction is used in nuclear reactor that is the reaction kept at constant neutron production.

The energy is produced due to fact that the mass before and after splitting of  the  uranium 235 and bariyum 141, Krypton 92 is not equal . By the famous equation the E=MC², that is energy is equivalent to mass . The difference in mass is converted to energy.

Usually uranium oxide is used in fuel rods , many  fuel rods combine to form a reactor vessel . In which the above mentioned process takes place and nuclear energy is produced . It has control rods which  is used to stop the reaction by absorbing the neutron and prevent further reaction . consequently the reactor vessel is connected to the steam generator , it has many pipes which heats the water in the chamber 

Then the water vapour or steam from the steam chamber is made to rotate  the turbine  which in turn generates a electricity in the generator .The condensor is used to cool the turbine by the cooling water .And  the generator is connected to the transform , from which the electricity can be transported , and used for our daily uses .

Why nuclear power plant are dangerous ?

                                         The radioactive nuclear waste is really hard to maintain, over the time the radioactive waste goes on increasing making it even harder to contain. Also the nuclear energy is not completely consider as renewable energy, since the uranium element is present only in a finite amount in earth

                                            The nuclear plant are really hard to maintain , a small mistake cause a huge disaster. To err is human , so that there is always a chance for a nuclear disaster.  The Chernobyl (1986), Fukushima daiichi(2011), three mile island(1979) are notable one which has a great negative impact on the environment. A report shows there is great nuclear disaster in every 30 year.


Even nuclear has major role in our power supply, is it worth for the lives we have given . Now the nuclear power is a necessary evil , eventhough it has negative impact on us . We must continue to do it to met our power supply . 

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